Father Antoine Moussali and Islam


Father Antoine Moussali (1921-2003)... or might we say the theological Bruce Willis?


Antoine Moussali was a great man, a deep golden personnality. We must remain his theorical contribution, but we have to be careful. Why buddy? Because... Because he was a little to much spicy with Islam. Muslim world, his main target. It would be excessive to say that Moussali hates Islam. No, but sometimes he was very negative about Mahomet and the muslim faith. He was a nice christian theologian, who worked in Syria, Algeria and France, teaching arab culture for monks. He died in France, the country of his heart.


Thoughts about Islam


Moussali has been quite unfair. He wrote a lot of rude things about Islam. Often, it was really courageous. Most of theologians couldn't dare to mean what he meaned. Islam is often a taboo for occidental people. A monumental taboo. Moussali was Arab and he didn't quake. He had no fear about being assimilate to a racist or something around that... He just declared slippery things, and sometimes, he has been quite too far.


-He meaned that Quran contains mistakes, like when it is explain that christian trinity includes the Father, the son and Mary. Moussali just says that it is false: christian trinity includes the holy spirit, no Mary.


-He said that islam discovered aristotelical and greek science because of the work of a Christian-Arab dude, Abu Qurra (9th century).


-He said that it is difficult for a christian to discuss with muslims, because Quran assimilates christian people as miscreant...


-He said that islamic Hijab is a big no to knowledge


-He said that muslim terrorists are real muslim (and no false muslims, as a lot of people say), they are even more muslim than other muslims.


-He said that the difference between Islam and Judéo-christianism consists in it: Islam has an history, judéo-christianism is an history. Quran explains what people must do; Bible explains what people must be.



Pierre-André Bizien




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